HEIJERA productions
HEIJERA productions' Founding Artistic Director Aimee Greenberg presented workshops, residencies and more than ten original solo and ensemble works in the United States and Europe at various venues including Sushi, COCO, The Bumbershoot Festival, Barnsdall Art Theatre, LACE, The Carpenter Art Center, The LA Women’s Theatre Festival, The European Women's Theatre Festival, The Huntington Beach Art Center and On the Boards. About HEIJERA productions Greenberg says,
" Using haunting imagery, compelling visuals, poetic text, popular culture masks, natural elements, stylized movement and video, the work focuses on displaced characters dreaming and living in the real world. I work between the extremes of pedestrian and theatrical time and space. My intention is to affect the audience on the visceral plane, to suspend viewers in the present moment, emptying the past and postponing the future. A spectator in my theatre is caught between two worlds as they try to understand rationally what their senses tell them is irrational."
" Using haunting imagery, compelling visuals, poetic text, popular culture masks, natural elements, stylized movement and video, the work focuses on displaced characters dreaming and living in the real world. I work between the extremes of pedestrian and theatrical time and space. My intention is to affect the audience on the visceral plane, to suspend viewers in the present moment, emptying the past and postponing the future. A spectator in my theatre is caught between two worlds as they try to understand rationally what their senses tell them is irrational."